Every Wednesday from 2:30-3:30pm in E2 215 (Winter Quarter 2008). Have a break, have a snack, have a chat.
The EGSA is the Engineering Graduate Student Association at the University of California at Santa Cruz. We organize social events and academic events for the graduates students in the School of Engineering.
The EGSA can sponsor and facilitate other events, if you organize them. If you'd like to help plan future events for grad students, consider getting involved.
Join the mailing list to get information and reminders about upcoming meetings and events.
In previous years, the EGSA has organized Lectures at Lunch and seminars by and for grad students. If you'd like to help revive these events, get involved!
These were written on June 29th, 2004.
Feel free to provide feedback on them! Check out the constitution
and the bylaws.
If you would like something other than tea and cookies, try visiting the following organizations:
The Graduate Student Association
does a lot of work to represent graduate students' interests in University policy.
They have dinner and drinks every other Thursday.
The eWomen focus on issues important to women engineers.
They have pizza once a month.